Why We Need Every Man To #BeAModelMan

Something is wrong with an NFL and a consuming populace that lets some of its players hurt those around them with impunity and without a meaningful examination of this learned behavior. To counteract this damaging message this Super Bowl, we’re teaming up with Futures Without Violence and Obscura Digital to encourage every man to #BeAModelMan. Both online and through public art installations, we’re asking men to stand up, speak out, and model the man you’d like your sons to become, the man who would make your daughters safe in this world, and the man who uplifts us all.

This week, we encourage you to join the conversation by sharing on Twitter or Facebook how you model healthy masculinity, and how we can all be the best version of ourselves. Whether you’re a football fan or not, we can all do something to inspire the men and young people in our lives, whether it’s posting #BeAModelMan on social media or starting this conversation with loved ones. Together, we will challenge limiting stereotypes, and inspire a national conversation about what it means to ‘be model men’.


Jennifer Siebel Newsom & The Representation Project team

Speak Up Against Sexist Super Bowl Advertising – Text “SB50” To (217) 731 4368

Tell sexist Super Bowl 50 advertisers you’re #NotBuyingIt. Join the campaign by texting “SB50” to 217.731.4368. Game day, you’ll get a handful of questions and we’ll report your feedback to media and advertisers – telling them in real-time which ads resonate with you all, which are alienating, and what we all plan to do about it. With 100 million people watching the Super Bowl, let’s make sure sexism doesn’t sell.


From Around The Web

“Last year, the NFL paid attention to the domestic violence problem, because we demanded it. Consultants were hired. Significant dollars were donated. But we believe that the NFL has an obligation to do something bigger. Did you know the USA Football/NFL Flag program has more than 260,000 kids participating each year? Imagine if they taught each of those kids that violence never equals strength. ” – Jennifer Siebel Newsom and Esta Soler, SF Chronicle

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  • Refinery 29: Why The Real Hero Of Grease Is Rizzo
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  • Vox: This Chart Shows Just How Many Sexist Slurs Trump Supporters Are Tweeting At Megyn Kelly

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